I’m Teacher Shane. I have been teaching ESL since I was in college but have been an online teacher since 2004.
Lunes, Setyembre 10, 2012
Fillers in Conversation
Posted by Teacher Shane | Lunes, Setyembre 10, 2012 | Category:
Speaking Lesson
Fillers in conversation (used only in speaking)
um, uh, yeah, I mean, I guess, you know, ok, oh, so, well
"Ok, um, I'll begin with number 9." = "I'll begin with number 9."
"Well, I guess the problem is that I'm tired." = "The problem is that I'm tired."
"Yeah, I mean, I understand what you're saying." = "I understand what you're saying."
"She's, uh, she's not here right now." = "She's not here right now."
Reduced Forms (used only in speaking or very informal writing)
doing = doin How are you doing? = How are you doin?
want to = wanna I want to leave now. = I wanna leave now.
do you want to = wanna Do you want to go? = Wanna go?
want a = wanna We want a cat. = We wanna cat.
wants to = wansta She wants to read. = She wansta read.
going to = gonna I'm going to wait. = I'm gonna wait.
got to = gotta I've got to go. = I gotta go.
have to = hafta Do I have to? = Do I hafta?
has to = hasta He has to work. = He hasta work.
don't know = dunno I don't know why. = I dunno why.
kind of = kinda He kind of likes you. = He kinda likes you.
lot of = lotta I need a lot of paper. = I need a lotta paper.
could have = coulda / couldav They could have gone. = They coulda gone.
should have = shoulda / shouldav I should have left already. = I shoulda left already.
would have = woulda / wouldav He would have paid. = He woulda paid.
might have = mighta / mightav She might have said yes. = She mighta said yes.
must have = musta / mustav Mike must have lied. = Mike musta lied.
should have = shoulda / shouldav I should have left already. = I shoulda left already.
would have = woulda / wouldav He would have paid. = He woulda paid.
might have = mighta / mightav She might have said yes. = She mighta said yes.
must have = musta / mustav Mike must have lied. = Mike musta lied.
give me = gimme Give me that pen. = Gimme that pen.
let me = lemme Let me go! = Lemme go!
get you = getcha I'll get you a plate. = I'll getcha a plate.
got you = gotcha Don't worry, I got you. = Don't worry, I gotcha.
bet you = betcha I bet you he's late. = I betcha he's late.
don't you = doncha Don't you like it? = Doncha like it?
got you = gotcha Don't worry, I got you. = Don't worry, I gotcha.
bet you = betcha I bet you he's late. = I betcha he's late.
don't you = doncha Don't you like it? = Doncha like it?
what are you = whaddaya / whatcha What are you doing? = Whaddaya doin?
and = n She and I are talking. = She n I are talkin.
them = em Don't touch them! = Don't touch em!
you = ya See you later. = See ya later.
your / you’re = yer You're his sister? = Yer his sister
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