Lunes, Oktubre 3, 2011

Accent Reduction

Posted by Teacher Shane | Lunes, Oktubre 3, 2011 | Category: |

Accent Symbols
Here is a basic list of words that often use this sound, but remember that this sound can be found in many words that have unstressed syllables. This communication practice should be of use to you, whether you are studying the language at home for personal enrichment or seeking out other online learning opportunities through Web sites such as elearners. I hope you can learn from it.

Although there are many individual sounds as part of North American English, this Web site will focus on sounds created by word reductions, specifically with the schwa sound (ə) that affects stress and rhythm. This will be the focus of this page. I have compiled a helpful table of words that use the schwa sound that you'll encounter in day-to-day conversations.


WordReductionSample Sentences
aəI bought ə shirt for my brother.
anəThere's ən elephant at the zoo.
thethəPlease talk to thə teacher about thə test.

WordReduction Sample Sentences

totəI have tə make breakfast təday.
I usetə (used to) write her every morning.
forfərThis letter is fər my mom.
aboutəboutTell me əbout your weekend.
ofəf or əI ate a piece ə pie.

WordReduction     Sample Sentences
andən or 'nI really like banana ən apples.
orərWould you like water ər juice?

WordReduction       Sample Sentences
herərPlease tell ər I called.
himəm / imI need to talk to im today.
theməmHow about calling əm today?
youDid  like the movie?

Modals of Advice or Ability:
WordReduction      Sample Sentences
ought toought təWe ought tə leave now.
have go tohave gottəYou've gottə go to bed now.
(I/we/they) have tohaftəI haftə study for a test.
(he/she) has tohastəShe hastə talk with the teacher.
want towannəI wannə see a movie.
canknShe kn speak English very well.

Modals of Regret of Past Speculation: 
WordReduction     Sample Sentences
should haveshouldəfI should əf called her last night.
could havecouldəfHe could əf traveled overseas, but he chose to work instead.
ought to haveought tə əfYou ought tə əf checked the used before you bought it. 

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